The OCTaves
Ruth Fuller
Many years ago, Ruth Fuller was asked to be our conductor for Annie Get Your Gun. She asked if we thought she was ready for this, and of course we wholeheartly said yes. She picked up her baton and it has been in her hands ever since. It's hard to capture Ruth on the printed page because she brought so much life to everything she touched. Her conducting instilled such confidence in every singer and musician that stood before her, and her kindness created an atmosphere that allowed everyone's talent to soar. If you lost a beat or a whole page, Ruth would find you and seamlessly carry you forward.
Whether it was conducting a musical or conducting her beloved OCTaves, her talent soared and with it the talent of everyone around her. It is impossible to put into words how much she will be missed.
Our love and condolences go out to her family. Ruth is eternally a part of the music, and the music will live in our hearts forever.
It all started when…
In late 2020, we finalized the purchase of our forever home. Around that same time, music director, Ruth Fuller, approached the board of directors with an idea to create an OCT jazz band. Shortly after that, The OCTaves were born. With approximately 20 players of brass, woodwinds, and percussion, The OCTaves have already made a name for themselves in the Olean area!